To ensure your rights and interests, please read SWAG's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before registering as a member.
Once you agree to the above terms, you can register a SWAG account through the web version.
Registration Process:
- Open the official website.
- Click on the "Free Registration" button at the top right corner.
- Once opened, you will see the option to create a free account at the bottom. (Note: Make sure the "Free Registration" field is illuminated.)
- There are two registration methods:
Enter your username and password directly, and wait for the "Free Registration" button to light up, then click on it to register.
Other registration methods include linking with Phone, Google, or Apple accounts. (For Android devices/desktops, Apple ID registration is not supported.)
If you already have a SWAG account, please use your registered email, phone number, or username to log in.