Homepage Livestream
By clicking on the filtering button on the main page, you can perform detailed filtering based on "Regions," "Followed Creators," and "Livestream Modes" displayed on the page.
By clicking on the sorting button on the live stream homepage, you can arrange the order based on "Recommended Content," "Highest Diamond Count," "Newcomers,"
"Alphabetical order," and "Highest Viewership."
Creator's profile
The profile of the creator is divided into three sections: "Stories," "Videos," and "Photos." Each section has a sorting button located in the top right corner, allowing you to choose the desired sorting order based on your preferences.
It is divided into "Default" and "Most Unlocked" options, and you can choose the sorting method according to your preference.
It is divided into "Default," "Popular," "Most Unlocked," "Video Duration," and "Video Price" options, allowing you to choose according to your personal preferences.
It is divided into "Default," "Popular," "Most Unlocked," and "Photo Price" options, allowing you to arrange them according to your own preferences.